Economic Benefits of Transportation
Welcome Center/Port of Entry
The South Dakota Department of Transportation improved the customer experience and addressed commercial vehicle safety issues through the reconstruction of the Valley Springs rest area. The Rest Area Revitalization Plan in South Dakota…
Commercial Vehicle Operation Innovations
The South Dakota Department of Transportation implemented several regulatory and technological changes that improved freight hauling efficiency and brought economic benefits to the state. The trucking industry is vitally important to a rural…
PhilaPort Completes Warehouse Construction at Tioga Marine Terminal
The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority (PhilaPort) is supporting the state’s economy by overseeing and administering the allocation of state funds to the three ports, while also serving as an advocate for both publicly-…
Keystone Welcome Centers Help Boost Pennsylvania’s Travel and Tourism Industry
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s welcome centers play an important role in supporting the state’s important travel and tourism industry. Did you know that the Keystone Welcome Center at Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes in Erie…
Changing light fixtures creates $700,000 savings
We all like talking about our projects that save money, save energy and reduce carbon emissions. And that’s exactly what the Oregon Department of Transportation is doing with the installation of new light-emitting…