PennDOT, Transit Partners Help Seniors Stay Connected During Pandemic
PennDOT and its partners are committed to ensuring that transportation remains the ultimate connector during the pandemic and beyond. Beginning in March 2020, Pennsylvanians began limiting travel and staying home to help stop…
Keystone Welcome Centers Help Boost Pennsylvania’s Travel and Tourism Industry
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s welcome centers play an important role in supporting the state’s important travel and tourism industry. Did you know that the Keystone Welcome Center at Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes in Erie…
High Friction Surface Treatment Helps PennDOT Improve Highway Safety
In PennDOT’s ongoing mission to reach the national highway safety goal of zero fatalities, the agency’s use of the innovative High Friction Surface Treatment (HFST) is having a significant impact. Beginning in 2007…
Erie County Event Brings Awareness to PennDOT’s Pollinator Program
The Pennsylvania DOT is partnering with organizations to identify medians and right-of-way areas to host gardens and habitats to bolster pollinator populations and enhance the beauty of the state. Things were abuzz in…
50 Years of Connecting Communities
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is using modern technology to highlight how the department has continued to improve safety and support the state’s economy throughout its 50 years. At PennDOT, we’re always looking…