I-435 South Loop Link
The Missouri Department of Transportation reduced traffic congestion along the heavily traveled Interstate 435 through Kansas City.
The I-435 South Loop Link Design-Build project completely rebuilt more than three miles of pavement through this key arterial, added an additional lane in both eastbound and westbound directions, replaced and rehabilitated five bridges – all without disrupting commuters during their peak travel times.
I-435 is a heavily traveled route that winds from the northern part of the metro southbound, eventually curving west to the Kansas state line. It is one of the area’s top three regional commuter corridors and exceeds daily traffic counts of 150,000 vehicles during any given rush hour. It was severely congested, and several bridges needed major work.
The Radmacher-Wilson team that was awarded the project understood that minimizing the impacts to the public during peak travel hours was a large project goal. The key to its success was all about shifting traffic. The team built new lanes along the outside of the existing footprint, then shifted traffic to and away from where they needed to work next, completing the bridge work in place simultaneously. They maintained four lanes through every morning and afternoon peak travel hours from breaking ground in spring 2018 through project completion in May 2020. It received the “project of the year” award from the Mid America Chapter of the Design-Build Institute of America.
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