I-70I-435 Interchange Reconstruction
The Missouri Department of Transportation reduced traveler delays and improved safety with a first-of-its-kind interchange reconstruction project completed in October 2020.
In reconstructing the I-70/I-435 interchange near the Truman Sports Complex in Kansas City, MoDOT replaced all the bridges within the interchange and enhanced safety with a new design. This new configuration – first of its kind in Missouri – is a partial turbine and provided an opportunity to make additional safety improvements in a cost-effective manner. Improvements included full bridge replacements, removal of less traditional left exits, improvements to loop ramp configuration, and congestion relief.
This project had been identified as one that could provide improvements that would ease congestion and reduce crashes often caused by merging and weaving in the area. Construction of the $47 million project began in March 2019 and was completed in early October 2020, two months ahead of schedule.
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