Alaska,  Quality of Life Benefits of Transportation,  Safety

Ketchikan’s Water Street Trestle #2 Reconstruction

Ketchikan’s old Water Street Trestle #2 was built in 1979 and was not rated for heavy loads, such as fire engines to protect area residents, or fuel and trash trucks to provide services.

The trestle’s reconstruction was a technically challenging project perched on a steep cliff in a historic district and a dense, actively-used and space-constrained residential area. Work performed on the project included the removal of the old timber and concrete trestle structures and replacement with a new 700-ft long pile supported steel and concrete trestle structure and a new 75-foot long concrete girder bridge structure.

As part of the project, reinforced concrete retaining walls were built, along with curb and gutter. Concrete sidewalks were built to meet Americans with Disabilities Act specifications, and the new sidewalks replaced ones studded with utility poles. All utilities and sewage and storm drain systems were replaced. New electrical lines were run to homes, and they were buried to match the historical nature of the neighborhood. The guardrail was designed to take heavy loads and was clad in wood to match the historical nature of the neighborhood.

On June 28, 2019, state and city dignitaries joined residents of Ketchikan’s Water Street to celebrate completion of the street’s reconstruction. Ketchikan’s Boy Scout Troop #4 kicked off the event by performing the color guard. State and local officials remarked on the partnerships required for successful project completion and the complexity of the project. After local youth cut a ribbon to ceremonially open the street to traffic, the City of Ketchikan’s Fire Department drove a truck across the trestle.

The $25 million project was completed in just under three years, in June 2019, by Dawson Construction.

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