MDOT I-94 BL Project in Jackson County
When the City of Jackson and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) began discussing the I-94 Business Loop (BL) rebuild and the Louis Glick Highway/Washington Avenue two-way conversion, developers became interested in the old Consumers Energy corporate headquarters parcel, vacant since 2004. The property became attractive to developers with the new two-way street scenario.
The road work triggered new mixed-use residential and commercial buildings along with new construction on key parcels along the corridor. Additionally, more employers continue to relocate their offices to downtown Jackson.
Along with increased development and building renovations within and around downtown, MDOT and the City of Jackson:
- Modernized the traffic signals to include intelligent transportation system (ITS) cabinets to facilitate the ability to work with autonomous vehicle technology;
- Rebuilt deteriorating pavement;
- Improved access and wayfinding to and from downtown Jackson;
- Increased intersection capacity;
- Improved traffic flow;
- Improved street continuity;
- Eliminated motorist confusion;
- Improved and simplified a poorly designed intersection at the Michigan Avenue/Louis Glick Highway/Washington Avenue junction;
- Upgraded railroad crossing equipment;
- Provided for aesthetic improvements; and
- Upgraded deteriorating and aging water and sewer infrastructure.
The goal of this project was to improve traffic flow and operations along Jackson’s business loop to assist the city in revitalizing and bringing new commercial development into the area. This project is an excellent example of our organization benefitting people and businesses in the Jackson area.
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