Economic Expansion
Green Line Extension
The Green Line Extension (GLX) is a project which seeks to create rapid transit into Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford. While these areas are neighbors of Boston and represent large populations of daily commuters…
Logistics Park Kansas City
A perfect example of a public and private partnership benefitting an entire region of the country is Logistics Park Kansas City (LPKC). This facility near Edgerton encompasses 2,275 acres that are dedicated for…
Johnson County Gateway Phase 2 Project
The flow of both commuters and freight now enjoy the benefits of the Kansas Department of Transportation’s Johnson County Gateway Phase 2 Project that opened to traffic in November 2016. Nearly a quarter…
U.S. 70 Durant Bypass
The $101 million construction of the US-70 Durant Bypass in phases between 2009 and 2015 completed an eight-mile freeway loop around the southern end of Durant. This serves to route freight traffic away…
Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project
The Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project increased cross-river mobility between Indiana and Kentucky by improving safety, alleviating traffic congestion and connecting highways. The project involved two states and a total investment of…