I-20/Tarbutton Road Interchange
Paving the way for new development and ease of access – that’s the goal of the newly completed interstate interchange on I-20 at Tarbutton Road in Ruston area of northeast Louisiana.
State and local officials and stakeholders cut the ribbon on the $25.5 million project in June 2020 that was years in the making, securing funding and support on all levels of government, as well as from the community. The project created a new interstate interchange in addition to a new Tarbutton Road overpass, a reconstructed Tarbutton Road north and south of the interstate, and improved traffic flow on the adjacent service roads.
Work began in September 2017, with other milestones highlighted along the way, including the opening of the newly widened Tarbutton Road overpass, as well as the transitioning of the I-20 service roads to one-way traffic to help ease congestion at nearby interchanges. Additionally, Tarbutton Road north and south of I-20 was reconstructed on an adjusted alignment – creating improved traffic flow for nearby schools and residential and commercial areas – and capable of handling increased volume for years to come.
The new interchange and overpass will also relieve congestion during football season due to its proximity to two universities that serve the region, providing another entrance and exit during high-traffic events. The interchange project was a collaboration between city, state, and federal governments, with the local entities providing a portion of the funding to help move the project’s development forward.
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