I-40 Tinker Corridor
A significant step in the ongoing expansion of the I-40 corridor to six lanes from the I-240 junction in Oklahoma City east to Shawnee is underway, with a $75 million widening and interchange project at Choctaw Rd. nearing completion in late 2019. This effort is in concert with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority’s toll-financed construction of the Kickapoo Turnpike, a brand-new, 22-mile highway connecting I-44/Turner Turnpike and I-40 in eastern Oklahoma County.
Future projects will help alleviate traffic congestion and reduce crashes on this interstate that directly serves Tinker Air Force Base, the state’s largest single-site employer.
Additionally, an estimated $65 million project going to bid in early 2020 will address six I-40 bridges in Del City, the worst remaining structurally deficient bridges in the metro area, thus eliminating a significant drain on ODOT maintenance funds and help eliminate significant traffic congestion caused by frequent repair of holes in the bridges.
ODOT also is completing an overall corridor study of I-40 from the I-35/Fort Smith Junction east to I-240 that will require significant federal investment for projected future projects in Del City, Midwest City, and Oklahoma City.
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