New Climbing Lanes on Interstate 70 in Montgomery County
Traffic is flowing more safely and efficiently along Interstate 70 in Montgomery County at Mineola Hill thanks to new climbing lanes built by the Missouri Department of Transportation and opened to traffic in early November 2020. A third lane was added to both east and westbound I-70 near mile marker 170 at Danville, providing especially commercial vehicles a chance to get out of higher-speed traffic while going up a steep grade.
“One of the primary purposes of this project was to enable traffic to flow more safely and efficiently,” explained Missouri Department of Transportation Project Director Brandi Baldwin.
The $15.8 million design-build project was made possible by a federal Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant in combination with the replacement of the I-70 Missouri River Bridge at Rocheport in Boone and Cooper Counties, scheduled to begin in 2021. Also included in the climbing lanes project is the replacement of the I-70 overflow bridges over the Loutre River. Construction on the new eastbound bridges is expected to be completed by fall 2021.
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