WYDOT Jackson South Corridor Projects
Renowned for access to the scenic vistas and recreational opportunities of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National parks, Jackson, Wyoming sits surrounded by mountains. Given its year-round tourism, recreation, and other business opportunities, the Jackson area experiences a continual influx of visitors, workers, and residents causing the closest thing to genuine traffic congestion in Wyoming. Travel is especially heavy south of town in the US 26/89/189/191 corridor to Hoback Junction—a critical travel link for the region where traffic backs up frequently.
Responding to Jackson’s unique transportation needs, the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), in cooperation with the community, implemented an overall corridor improvement plan including the highway south of Jackson. Projects here have improved pavement, replaced bridges, and added lanes and turnouts. These projects have helped resolve existing roadway deficiencies, accommodate current and future traffic volumes, and improve connectivity – ultimately increasing safety, enhancing business and recreational access, and benefiting the local and regional economies.
The corridor plan has also accommodated active transportation by creating a network of bicycle and pedestrian pathways to enhance livability and please visitors.
The Jackson Hole area is also known for its abundant wildlife and is the only remaining region in the US with a complete set of large predator-prey populations, including a year-long range for elk and mule deer—as well as native bear and bald eagle populations. Wildlife preservation is crucial to maintaining tourism and a concern for WYDOT. Alarmingly, 46 percent of crashes on the US 26/89/189/191 corridor have involved animals with many of these crashes occurring during heavy tourist months. Projects here, as well as in other areas of Wyoming, emphasize wildlife connectivity underpasses and fencing to limit vehicle-wildlife conflicts.
Jackson South projects highlight both Jackson’s and WYDOT’s commitment to safe and efficient highways, tourism and economic vitality, and wildlife protection.
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