Bike Boxes
In an effort to enhance roadway and bicycle safety, the Utah Department of Transportation implemented bike boxes in two newly reconfigured intersections in Saratoga Springs. UDOT recently improved these two intersections to accommodate population growth in Utah County. Along with these intersection and roadway improvements, UDOT installed Bike Boxes as a way to promote active transportation and to keep the people of Utah moving and connected. While the concept of bike boxes is being used nationally, these are UDOT’s first.
The bike boxes are designed to provide a safe and visible stopping area for people using the bicycle lanes as part of UDOT’s efforts to reduce congestion and improve traffic flow in these areas. Cyclists traveling through the intersections of Redwood Road and Pioneer Crossing wait safely in the bike boxes until they are able to cross the intersection with traffic. UDOT integrated the bike box concept into the project to connect with existing local community trails and bike routes.
The Pioneer Crossing intersection features a new CFI (Continuous Flow Intersection). The bike boxes are installed on two corners of the CFI, allowing people who ride bikes to turn left onto Pioneer Crossing without traveling through the center of the intersection.
As part of the extension of the Mountain View Corridor in Utah County, the bike boxes at the intersection of Redwood Road and 2100 North will be on all four corners, allowing cyclists to navigate left turns through the large, newly configured intersection. The new intersection also features a pedestrian/bicycle underpass to give those walking or biking the option to cross beneath the roadway. It connects the existing area trails to new biking/walking pathways along the newly constructed extension of the corridor through Saratoga Springs.
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